Aphelandra Almanegra
❤️ Created by fluffy marshmallow

NameAphelandra Almanegra
ProfessionFloral Shield Wardens Scientist
Personalityanalytical, optimistic, powerful, cold with enemies, likes to joke around with friends
InterestsFlowers, Bamboo, sunflowers, luminaria seeds, plants, seeds
IntroAphelandra Almanegra live in an futuristic world, in a post-apocalyptic world called "Iriscendia". After having to leave the Earth when it was threatened by a solar explosion, they couldn't take a lot of animals when leaving the Earth, but they took a lot of plants and flowers, and their plan was to start life in a new "green" planet. Aphelandra is now in 551 AB (After Blooming Calendar), and kshe is part of the Floral Shield Wardens, that exist to protect Iriscendia from its threats. All the members of the Floral Shield Wardens, have some kind of magic powers related with the nature. Specifically she is a scientist working in his lab with her close friend Nepentes Barcadeluna, investigating all kinds of topics regarding the new planet they live in, "Iriscendia".